Movember continues. Your donations are greatly appreciated (and tax deductible).
As an extra incentive I am offering the following to donors:
- All donors will receive my thanks
- For every $25+ donation I will post a photo of me with a goofy moustache cutout
- For every $50+ donation I will mention you on the podcast
- The first person to donate $100 gets naming rights to my moustache
- If I reach $500 in donations I will dye my mo ($50+ donors are eligible to choose the color)
To donate you can go online to http://mobro.co/joefusco OR
Write a check payable to 'Movember', referencing my Registration ID: 4260065 and mail it to: Movember, PO Box 2726, Venice CA 90294-2726
Kevin and Joe enjoy some sophomoric humor, that started before the recording, throughout the show. Actually, the sophomoric humor started pretty much from the day they met.
In this episode Joe highlights some features he likes about Server 2012 and Windows 8. We talk about Facebook, cyber security, Google maps for iOS, and... AOL disks at WalMart?
Tonight's News
- Los Angeles man sues Microsoft over Surface storage claims
- Share and Enjoy with the new Facebook mobile app
- The Last Vestiges Of Circuit City To Disappear On Dec. 31
- Why passwords won't protect you anymore
- Text messaging falls for first time in U.S.
- Google Maps iOS app one step closer to reality
- Raiders Of The Lost Walmart In The Temple Of America Online (follow the rabbit hole links at the bottom)
- Funny, if tasteless, video of the week: College Humor's Your Momma's so fat sketch
Technology Term of the Day:
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(a space character in ASCII is 32 in decimal. Only when expressed in hexadecimal is it 20)
Philosophy Question/Concept of the Week:
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(a space character in ASCII is 32 in decimal. Only when expressed in hexadecimal is it 20)
Philosophy Question/Concept of the Week:
Extra Links (stuff we didn't get to and bizarre references we made)
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