Saturday, March 3, 2012

T.R.I.P. Episode 1

Recorded 3/2/2012

In tonight’s episode of the Two Rambling Idiots Podcast, Joe surprises Kevin with an opening theme. We introduce ourselves and the podcast. We discuss cameras, lasers and, of course, Windows 8 and  iPad 3 rumors and try to have a little fun along the way.

Since this is our first show we know it’s a little rough and we know we need to tighten things up a bit. We would greatly appreciate your feedback – good or bad. (No, nobody was vacuuming while Kevin was speaking. That’s the auto gain on my mic picking up the fans in my equipment rack. I’ve turned it off.) You can contact us at or you can leave a comment on the blog at Thanks for listening.

Special Thanks To:

Our theme song is an edited version of Airbrushed by Anamanaguchi . The full song can be downloaded here.

Thanks to NowSmart software for providing us with a license for their RecordCube software. Record from microphone and speaker output at the same time.

News links

Canon EOS 5D Mark III 

iPad 3 News and Rumors - Engadget, iMore

 Microsoft’s Apple’s Knowledge Navigator video from the early late 80’s

We welcome your comments. Please leave them below or email us at

Subscribe to the feed or download the episode here


  1. So...can I subscribe to this in iTunes?

  2. We're not listed in iTunes yet. Until then, all you have to do is click the RSS chicklet at the top of the right column and then click add to iTunes on the page that opens.

  3. Kevin, the world runs on Windows so whether or not that they are the great imitators every company I have ever worked for has used Windows.
